Vitur Summit
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At Vitur Summit, we believe in a reality where the Short-Term Rental/accommodation industry is fully sustainable. That’s why we want not only to lower our event’s carbon footprint, but also raise awareness among industry professionals that a greener future is possible for our sector.

These are the actions we’re taking:


Tech & Sustainability 

In order to raise awareness of the ways in which professionals of the sector are able to reduce their environmental impact and make the accommodation industry more sustainable we’ve incorporated to our main agenda a sustainability panel.

Carbon footprint


Info & Registration 

We use a mobile app to give all attendees an easier way for registration and identification, and to make accessible the information they need for our event. This way we avoid unnecessary paper waste.

At the same time, in order to guarantee the attendees access to all areas of the event, in case they have technical problems with their devices, we decided to hand lanyards. They will be made from recycled paper and fully recyclable to ensure we keep our environmental impact to a minimum



We work with local catering services and providers to guarantee the products we offer are as sustainable as they can be. We have also closed deals with said providers to ensure all the remaining food doesn’t go to waste and is donated to charity.


Green Hosting 

The hosting provider for the Vitur Summit 2023 website works with 100% green energy on all their servers. This is guaranteed by The Green Web Foundation, which certifies the sustainability of a given server host.

Know more about them and check your website clicking here